Well, I finally found the camera-connecty-thingy! So this post is dedicated to showing off our brand-spanking new AWESOME apartment. Please excuse the various items strewn about...
The view into our living room from the front door. As you can see there, we slept on the floor Thursday night rather than buy an air mattress. Because we're badasses, that's why.
Yes, sirs and ladies, we are now the proud owners of a coat closet! Which is, for now, the "extra stuff we probably won't use for a while" and the vacuum closet. And of course, our cherished luggage/
The view into our kitchen from the front door! It's wonderful to be able to open the dishwasher and the fridge at the same time!
The view from the kitchen from the living room. And of course, all our groceries, which I still have not decided where to put.
The guest bathroom. Nothing fancy (except that baggy of miniature toiletries from the hotel).
One linen closet....
Two linen closets!
Another view of the master bedroom (excuse all our clothes...at this point we didn't have any furniture.
More of the master bedroom.
Our closet and doorway.
Master bathroom...luckily that giant window doesn't look into anyone else's apartment.
No, but it does look into another creepy old building. Maybe we'll just keep the window shut?
The study/guest bedroom
More of the guest bedroom
And this is not a very good pic of our view. Just beyond that roundabout is part of the Merrimack River. To the right, there is a giant, beautiful old church.
And that's all for now, folks! Luckily we now have interwebs. I mean, only after a day full of haggling with Comcast to get the internet package we actually paid for, that is.